Meeting Minutes Definition

Meeting minutes is the information gathered from meeting conducted for future reference.

It is to find out later what important information we missed from the notes we took.

Do we often question what information we must record and what we must leave out? Recording useful this is doesn’t take to be hard!

And also that capture the purpose of the meeting and its agreed outcomes are the record that can be referred back to and used for follow-up purposes.

And useful meeting minutes are clear and to the point, but at the same time, they do not leave out important information.

Also, its  keep the record of what is ultimately discussed at the meeting, including any decision-making or action taken.

Typically, they  are recorded by the secretary and assistant, but any appointed individual can do it.

What Needs to be Included?

  • When we are writing meeting minutes, we need to include different kinds of information. Here’s the list of what needs to be included in useful meeting minutes:
  • The Date and time, and place of the meeting
  • And the purpose of the meeting
  • And names of attendees and those who were unable to attend.
  • Also agenda items
  • The decisions that were made
  • Also, actions that need to be done. It includes the deadline and who it was assigned to.
  • Follow-up meeting
  • It prepares our meeting minutes by writing down the things we know beforehand, like Date, time, location, purpose, and agenda items.
  • We only take to add the things that we discussed, like the outcome of the meeting.

Why are Meeting Minutes Important?

  • While it seems like writing meeting minutes can take a lot of time, they will help us save time and money.
  • And also it provide a written record of what was discussed and agreed. So our colleagues will take the same recollections from the discussion and same ideas about what was agreed.
  • And with good its, we make sure everyone knows what decisions and what needs to be achieved by what Date.
  • Not taking it can costly in terms of both time and money, for example, when our colleagues and we take different recollections of what was agreed during the session.
  • And in the worst case, if this are not written, we may take the repeated it. So get into the habit of taking its a good practice.