, hearten your audience to get involved and support the grounds that matter most to you by creating donation campaign videos. These videos are great for efficiently communicating your mission and inviting others to make donations.

The following video, created by video producer Vyond Prakriti Rai showcases. mission to eliminate marine pollution by collaborating with nonprofits to conserve marine ecosystems. Create your donation campaign video using the form below; Tell a story and inspire others to make a positive impact.

Video Transcription: 2

Marine pollution is a big problem. Our rivers, oceans and beaches worldwide are polluted, negatively affecting at least 267 species and fueling climate change. Save the sailor this holiday season without leaving home. Every dollar donated equals one pound of trash removed., an initiative started by famous YouTubers Mr Beast and Mark Rober, aims to remove 30 million trash hits by January 1, 2022. It aims to remove trash by partnering with two nonprofit organizations, Ocean Conservancy and The Ocean Cleanup. Sea, rivers and coasts, and this area in what way they plan to do it. will also clean the oceans to remove debris from rivers using their interception techniques. The Interceptor is a solar-powered robot that can independently collect garbage. The piled-up waste is weighed and then disposed of or recycled with the guidance of local authorities.

Head over to to learn more or make a donation. With the New Year approaching, change is coming, so let’s make a difference and help make our world better and cleaner.

Also Read:- – Let’s Clean Up Our Oceans, Seas and Rivers Together

For years, we’ve followed Marc Robert on YouTube, a former NASA Apple engineer and science friend. In 2019, Mark and fellow YouTuber MrBeast launched the #TeamTrees project to raise $20 million to herbal 20 million trees. They raised more than $23 million and generated over 1 billion video views.

Even two years later, is still receiving donations and planting 2,600 trees daily. Mark and MrBeast are back to bringing together the internet’s passion and imagination to support Ocean.

On Friday, October 29, 2021, Mark and Mr.Beast founded another ambitious project,, A global campaign to raise $30 million by January 1, 2022, to remove 30 million pounds of plastic and litter from our oceans, rivers and beaches. For every dollar raised, one pound of plastic waste will be removed.

Also Read:-

Watch this quick video and get it for yourself.

So if you’re reading this right now and, like us, want to do something positive to help protect our oceans, seas and waterways, we invite you to join us and support in any way you can.

What Can You Do?

There are three humble ways that you can support

  1. Donate Something – Donate yourself or think of ways to raise money with your fundraising ideas.
  2. Spread the word: Share the project with your friends, family and co-workers.
  3. Book Sense massages at your office in November or December, and we’ll donate £1 to to everyone we interact with. This applies to all bookings, new and existing. However, if you’ve already booked massages during November or December, congratulations, you’ve already raised some money for!

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