solcyber 20m capitalwiggersventurebeat, a managed security provider. Emerged today from the metro with a series a funding of 20 million greenbacks led by ForgePoint Capital.

The company says profits will go towards improving its products and offerings and expanding its advertising and marketing efforts, mainly as it grows.

2020 holds the report of the highest number of cyberattacks and breaches worldwide. According to a survey, nearly eighty per cent of senior IT employees and security managers believe their organization does not have sufficient protection against cyberattacks despite increased computer security investment.

The average time to identify and cover a breach is now around eighty days, and cybercrime is expected to cost the world $10.5 trillion a year by 2025.


The solcyber 20m capitalwiggersventurebeat technology stack consists of last-factor protection, Email Security, Active Directory Abuse Protection, and Administrative Exploit Prevention. The Security Operations Center also provides other services such as correlations 365, day records retention, 24-hour monitoring and phishing training for customers and employees.

After successfully raising $20 million in a fundraiser led by Forge Point Capital. Managed security services company The solcyber 20m capitalwiggersventurebeat has come out of stealth mode. The company intends to use the money to increase its marketing methods and refine its products and offerings to be ready for future expansion.

The series’ fundraising has been awarded to Forge Point Capital. And the money raised will be use to expand the product offering of the series company. Enhance brand awareness, drive customer acquisition, and support aggressive staff development.

solcyber 20m capitalwiggersventurebeat A Funding from Forgepoint Capitol


SolCyber recently received $20 million in seed venture capital from ForgePoint Capital, according to Pitch book. SoulCycle was part of ForgePoint Capital’s incubator program when the company raised venture capital in September.

SolCyber Managed Security Services. Raised $20 million in funding and now operates publicly.

SolCyber claims to be the first modern mid-market MSSP. Offering a unique, curated, and high-fidelity security approach to prevent, monitor, and respond to cybersecurity threats.

They eliminate “the actual status by providing businesses with a curate stack of enterprise-grade security tools and services that are streamline. Accessible, and cost-effective. SolCyber delivers managed security services that aim to reduce the risk, waste and complexity of cybersecurity.

SolCyber is making bold claims about its company, which has just come out of stealth mode. While attackers don’t let size stop them from mounting cybersecurity and ransomware attacks like Colonial Pipeline and Kaseya REvil. Solcyber 20m capitalwiggersventurebeat claims their solution immediately improves a company’s security posture to a level that can withstand sophisticated attacks.